Authors Guidlines

The editorial board accept for publication original work in English and Russian containing rigorous results in mathematics, mechanics and physics. The manuscript should not be submitted or published in other journals, should have scientific novelty, be written in an impersonal and concisely good English (Russian) language, be structured, have an introduction and conclusion. 

  1. It is necessary to submit to the editorial office:

    • two copies of the manuscript. The manuscript should be printed on one side of an A4 sheet in one column at 1.5 line spacing and 14 pt Times New Roman font. All margins of the document are 2.5 cm. The number of pages in the article should not exceed 20 pages, including tables, figures (no more than 7) and a list of references (no more than 15-20 sources). All pages must be numbered.
      At the beginning is the main information about the article: the title of the article, the list of authors with information about them, abstract, keywords (3-7 keywords), information about research funding, as well as the absence or presence of a conflict of interest, the contribution of authors to the article writing process (the idea of ​​work, conducting experiments, calculations, data analysis and writing the text of the article). It is assumed that all authors took part in the approval of the text of the article. Last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, title, position, place of work, ORCID number and e-mail address must be given. It is necessary to indicate the author, with whom to correspond, his work and home address with postal code, as well as phone numbers for communication. This information will not be published in the journal and is only needed by the editors to contact the author. There must be a date when the article was sent. The text of the article starts on a new page. At the end of the article is a numbered list of references in the order of references in the article. References to sources are indicated in the text of the article in square brackets.
    • identical electronic version of the article in a ZIP archive. The archive should contain the following files: the file with the text of the manuscript (the file name should match the name of the first author in transliteration, for example, smith), files with additional figures and a PDF version of the manuscript. All files with figures should be named the same as the file with the article with the addition of a number. ZIP-archive must be uploaded through the form on the official website or sent to the e-mail of the journal
    • two copies of the completed and signed License Agreement.
  2. The process for accepting and publishing an article consists of the following steps:

    • after the editorial board receive the electronic version of the manuscript (in case if the manuscript is formatted according to these rules), the author is notified by e-mail about the acceptance of the article for consideration by the editorial board of the journal and the editorial office awaits receipt of the original article and accompanying documents. In the process of consideration, the editorial board may reject a manuscript that does not correspond to the subject or scientific level of the journal.
    • to conduct a scientific examination of papers as reviewers and experts, the editors involve highly qualified scientists and specialists with deep professional knowledge and experience in they scientific area. The reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the reviewed work. As a result, the review and a reasoned decision on the possibility of publishing the work are sent to the author by e-mail (the manuscript is recommended for publication, the manuscript is recommended for publication after revision, the manuscript is not recommended for publication). The editors do not disclose the data of reviewers.
    • in case of successful peer review, after scientific and editorial corrections, a proofreading print with the article in PDF format is sent to the author by e-mail for approval and / or corrections.
    • the author receives an e-mail notification of publication after the publication of the journal with proofs or a link to the article in PDF format. The author's copy of the journal is not provided by the editorial.
  3. The editorial board accept articles in LaTeX2ε or MS Word formats:

    • LaTeX2ε. The article should be written in Unicode (UTF8) or Windows (CP1251) encoding using the vestnik3.cls style class. Try not to use your own style files or override existing commands. You can use vestnik3-template.tex  (UTF-8 encoded) or vestnik3-template1251.tex  (CP1251 encoded) as a template.

    • MS Word. A set of formulas is preferably produced in the Equation or MathType formula editor (even for inline formulas and variables). If the article uses sections, formula numbering starts over. If the article uses sections, the numbering of formulas starts anew in each section. Forced hyphens and extra spaces should not be used. If the article contains figures, they should be saved without captions as separate files in their original format: the preferred formats for graphs or charts are pdf, eps, wmf; for photos — png, pdf or eps. All figures must be referenced.

  4. Vector quantities and matrices are in direct bold type. The article should contain only the most necessary formulas, it is desirable to refuse intermediate calculations. Only those formulas to which there are references are numbered. Units of measurement should be used in accordance with the International System of Units (SI system) and only generally accepted abbreviations. Footnotes are not recommended.

    Figures, graphs and diagrams (necessarily in black and white or in grayscale) are provided as separate files and must be made clearly, in a format that ensures clarity of transmission of all details. Graphs must be labeled along the axes. The resolution of grayscale files must be at least 150 dpi, and for black and white files, at least 300 dpi, with appropriate image sizes (at least 7×7 cm). Tables should have headings and figures should have captions.

  5. The desired length of the abstract is approximately 150–250 words. It should be informative, meaningful, follow the logic of the description of the results in the article. One of the tested options is a brief repetition in the annotation of the structure of the article, including the introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. References to formulas, theorems or sources from the article in the annotations are not allowed.

  6. The References section uses a slightly modified IEEE style for the list of bibliographic references. First comes the author's last name, then the initials. The full list of authors is given, abbreviations "et al." are not allowed. The titles of journals and books are marked in italics. After the list of authors and the title, all elements of the link are separated from each other by commas. The abbreviations for volume, issue, and pages are "vol.", "iss." (or "no.") and "pp." (or "p."), respectively. Books do not require a total number of pages. If there is a DOI number, it must be specified. The editors of the collection are always indicated at the beginning of the reference with the addition of "(ed.)" or "(eds.)".

    Reference links to unpublished sources are not allowed. You should check the correctness of the links before sending the manuscript. Fresh publications (not older than 3–5 years) should be used to increase the scientific credibility of the article. Excessive self-quoting is unacceptable (1-3 references to previous works of the author consistent with the topic of the article).

The Examples of Literature References

  • articles in journals, collected articles, works of conferences:
    1. Dyson, F.J., Feynman’s proof of the Maxwell equations. Am. J. Phys., 1990, vol. 58, iss. 3, pp. 209-211.
    2. Prescott, S.W., Mulvaney, P., Gold nanorod extinction spectra. J. Appl. Phys., 2006, vol. 99, no. 12. DOI 10.1063/1.2203212
    3. Martikainen, J., Mäkinen, R.A.E., Rossi, T., Toivanen, J., A fictitious domain method for linear elasticity problems. Proc. of the First M.I.T. Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Elsevier, Oxford, 2001, pp. 346-350.
  • books, theses:
    1. Griffiths, D.J., Introduction to electrodynamics. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1989.
    2. Fainstein, S.S., Campbell, S. (eds.), Readings in urban theory. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
    3. Andrews, G.E., The theory of partitions. In: Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications. Vol. 2. Addison-Wesley, 1976.
  • electronic resources:
    1. IMSL numerical library (accessed 20.02.2018). URL:

The editorial board does not return the manuscript, as well as electronic media.

PhD students are not charged for publishing manuscripts.

The point of view of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the authors of the published materials.

The editors reserve the right to change headings, shorten the texts of articles and make the necessary stylistic corrections without the consent of the authors.

Non-compliance with the rules for the design of the manuscript and computer typing delays its publication.

Please, forward the manuscripts to:
149 Stavropolskaya St, Krasnodar, 350040,
Kuban State University
Editorial office of the ‘Ecological bulletin of scientific centres of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation’
Tel. +7 918 088-66-51