Waters exchange between bay and open sea simulations


  • Lukianov P.V. Institute of Hydromechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine


532.5, 551.465


On the basis of three-dimensional non-hydrostatic model it was formulated and numerically solved waters exchange between bay and open sea problem. A number of situations for interactions of generated by wind drift compact vortex flow with open sea current has been considered. Open sea current was simulated by two approaches. Three specific additional non-dimensional aspect ratios have been pointed out. They are the relation of wind effect penetration depth (drift flow vertical scale) to numerical domain vertical scale; the relation of external sea current velocity scale to that for bay drift flow; the relation of numerical domain depth difference to bay horizontal scale. The variations of first and third parameters have been studied. The analysis of obtained data and their physical explanation has been made from the position of bay-open sea waters exchange dynamics.


compact vortex drift current, bay, open sea current, interaction

Author Info

Pavel V. Lukianov

канд. физ.-мат. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела вихревых движений Института гидромеханики НАН Украины

e-mail: Pavel_Lukianov@bigmir.net


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How to Cite

Lukianov P.V. Waters exchange between bay and open sea simulations. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2014, no. 4, pp. 53-63. (In Russian)