Mathematical Modelling of Aorto-Mesenteric "Tweezers", Affecting the Relationship Between Dehydroepiandrostenedione and Testosterone in Persons with Varicocele


  • Tonyan A.G. Multidisciplinary Medical Center "City Clinic", Krasnodar, Russian Federation
  • Tatevosyan A.S. Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
  • Bunyakin A.V. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation





The purpose of the study. Study the influence of venous blood flow in the left renal vein pool on the activity of adrenal cortex hormones and testosterone level in patients with varicocele.

Methods of research. Blood flow evaluation was performed in six static states according to the difference between the maximum and minimum velocity ($\Delta V_\text{ven}$) in the left renal vein (PV): on the back, on the abdomen, on the right side, on the left side, sitting and standing. Infringement of a blood flow was fixed at $\Delta V_\text{ven}$ more than 20 cm/s. In the position of minimum and maximum $\Delta V_\text{ven}$ in the morning at 8 o'clock on the empty stomach, blood was taken from the cubital vein at 3–5 minutes’ intervals (until the patient turns from one position to another) to dehydroepiandrostenedione (DHEA) and total testosterone (T) with two inputs to the vein. A visual assessment was made of the relationship between DHEA and T when patients moved from a position with a minimum $\Delta V_\text{ven}$ to a position with a maximum $\Delta V_\text{ven}$.

Results of the study. Estimating the relationship between DHEA and T, we estimated the ups or downs of these indicators when moving from a position with a minimum $\Delta V_\text{ven}$ to a position with a maximum $\Delta V_\text{ven}$. It turned out that T can both increase and decrease with increasing and lowering the level of DHEA. In one case, with an increase in DHEA, the testosterone level did not change.

Discussion. To simulate (for the purpose of approximate numerical description) of blood flow processes, an analogy is given with the nonstationary flow of a compressible medium in a pipe of constant diameter using the continuity (in the form of Euler). The left renal vein, due to its topographic and anatomical features (lability), can considered as an "object of control, and tweezers as a controlling organ", that is, indicators such as velocity, diameter and pressure are not constant in it, which determines the variety of DHEA relationships and T.

Conclusions. Aorto-methangent "tweezers" can be considered as a pressure controller in the "pool" of the left renal vein, which includes the adrenal and testicular veins. The relationship between DHEA and T is variable and requires further study.


varicocele, blood flow, dehydroepiandrostenedione, testosterone, interrelations

Author Infos

Arsen G. Tonyan

канд. мед. наук, врач-уролог многопрофильного медицинского центра "Сити Клиник"


Artur S. Tatevosyan

д-р мед. наук, профессор кафедры урологии Кубанского государственного медицинского университета


Aleksey V. Bunyakin

канд. физ.–мат. наук, доцент кафедр математических и компьютерных методов Кубанского государственного университета



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How to Cite

Tonyan A.G., Tatevosyan A.S., Bunyakin A.V. Mathematical Modelling of Aorto-Mesenteric "Tweezers", Affecting the Relationship Between Dehydroepiandrostenedione and Testosterone in Persons with Varicocele. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2020, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 81-91. DOI: (In Russian)