Welcome to the site of journal ‘Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation’!

Journal ‘Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation’ publishes new original results of scientific and applied research in various fields of science and technology, i.e. mathematics, mechanics, and physic. Particular attention is paid to publications on the development of new mathematical methods for research in mechanics, physics, theory of strength, seismology, new materials, condensed matter, mathematical problems of ecology.

The journal is aimed to promote development of science in the region of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, solve topical scientific problems, and activate cooperation of scientists in Russia and other countries of the world, and it is intended for scientists, university professors, expert communities, postgraduates, students and other persons interested in mathematics, mechanics and physics.

The publication of scientific articles in the journal is free. The main conditions: the correspondence subject of the manuscript to the subjects of the journal, preparation of the article in accordance with the rules of our journal and the successful completion of the peer review phase.

The manuscripts can be submitted both in Russian and English.