On the conditions of stability of cracks of a new type


  • Gorshkova E.M. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация ORCID 0000-0002-2415-6224
  • Babeshko O.M. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация ORCID 0000-0003-1869-5413
  • Zaretskiy A.G. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Evdokimov V.S. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация






The paper studies the problem of stability of a multilayer medium containing a new type of crack perpendicular to the boundary. Stability is understood as the possibility of the emergence of new solitary resonances that can destructively affect the crack. The research is based on the use of the block element method, which allows obtaining accurate solutions to contact problems and detecting hidden phenomena. The study uses the properties of dynamic contact problems with absolutely rigid and deformable stamps previously discovered by the block element method. It indicates that in order to identify the lack of stability, it is sufficient to consider the case of absolutely rigid semi-infinite plates forming a crack of a new type. The paper shows that the described crack of a new type is not stable, both in the case of absolutely rigid plates forming it, and in the case of deformable ones.


new type cracks, stability, block elements, integral equations, isolated resonances


This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 22-29-00213).

Author Infos

Elena M. Gorshkova

канд. физ.-мат. наук, старший научный сотрудник Научно-исследовательской части Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: gem@kubsu.ru

Olga M. Babeshko

д-р физ.-мат. наук, главный научный сотрудник научно-исследовательского центра прогнозирования и предупреждения геоэкологических и техногенных катастроф Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: babeshko49@mail.ru

Aleksandr G. Zaretskiy

студент Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: sam_one@mail.ru

Vladimir S. Evdokimov

студент Кубанского государственного университета, лаборант Южного научного центра РАН

e-mail: evdok_vova@mail.ru


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How to Cite

Gorshkova E.M., Babeshko O.M., Zaretskiy A.G., Evdokimov V.S. On the conditions of stability of cracks of a new type. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2023, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 37-41. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31429/vestnik-20-3-37-41 (In Russian)