Modeling and restoration of optical images in near-Earth astronomy


  • Aleshin V.P. OJSC Research and Production Corporation "Precision Instrument-Making Systems", Moscow, Russian Federation




This paper discusses the physical model of the visible and near-IR wave scattering by 3D space objects. The modern computer graphics (induced virtual environment technology) performs the prognosis of optical images. The algorithms for reconstruction of optical images based on generalized Stein estimates use this prognosis as a point of "shrinkage".


radiation scattering, rough surface, bispectral processing, , Stein estimation


Работа выполнена при частичной поддержке РФФИ (13-07-00398, 13-07-00367).

Author Info

Vladimir P. Aleshin

канд. техн. наук, начальник сектора алгоритмов обработки изображений и распознавания ОАО "Научно-производственная корпорация "Системы прецизионного приборостроения""



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How to Cite

Aleshin V.P. Modeling and restoration of optical images in near-Earth astronomy. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2013, no. 4, pp. 7-12. (In Russian)