An international journal "Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation" celebrates 10 years

The journal was created during the beginning of active cooperation of 13 countries – the participants of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC), united in accordance with a signed by the government Agreement for solving by combined efforts important problems in sectors of industry, transport, agriculture, tourism, emergency recovery and in other sectors, also in science and technology.

On every sector were created working parties, which included representatives of all participating countries of the BSEC. A supreme authority of the BSEC is a Ministry of foreign affairs of these countries, where annual chairmanship passes from one country to another. Working parties in accordance with the program of the BSEC prepare the papers for the session of the Higher Authority. The Ministry of foreign affairs of the Russian Federation, considering support of the Administration of Krasnodar region and the Russian Academy of Sciences, stated Kuban State University as the main in the BSEC and entrusted a series of responsibilities to the working party dealing with science and technology.

Some sessions of working parties of the BSEC were held on Kuban State University-based. A series of important decisions were taken, for example, in the sector of a novel ways of seismic prediction, reference of geophysical ground of Kuban State University to the center of common usage of the BSEC and others. Among them was also the establishment of international journal in scientific areas, which countries of the BSEC faced – that are seismology and ecology. Articles in the journal are printed both in English and in Russian.

In 2004 we were able to make it thanks to the initiative and enthusiasm of a great scientist, laureate of State prize of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Pryakhina O.D.

Great contributions into successful functioning of the journal make and made professors Pavlova A.V., Smirnova A.V., and editorial member, deputy editor-in-chief Khripkov D.A.

High quality of the journal is defined by the partnership in editorial team of great scientists, among them are several academicians and corresponding members of RAS, foreign scientists, and high quality is also due to the strict requirements of the publisher’s readers, which include Russian and foreign scientists. It suffice to say that such RAS academicians as Agadzhanjan N.A., Babeshko V.A., Kolesnikov V.I., Marchuk G.I., Matveenko V.P., Matishov G.G., Morozov N.F., Obrazcov I.F., Hain V.E, corresponding member Malovichko A.A., academicians and corresponding members of Academy of Sciences of other foreign counties Oganesyan S.M., Babadzhanov P.B., and Konovalenko A.A.

Editorial staff thanks all the scientists, who chose our journal as a worthy press organ for publishing in it their new scientific results. Editorial staff always did and will do everything for the journal “Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the  Black Sea Economic Cooperation” to take rightful place in russian journal ranking.

Editorial Stuff




