Welcome address Co-executive secretary of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Russian Federation on the activities of the BSEC Organization, Chairman of the Committee of Senior Officials of the BSEC Organization S.N. Goncharenko to the participants of

To the participants
of the international conference of the seismic protection’s
Association of the member countries of the Organization
of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation

Dear participants of the conference,

All directions of cooperation are of high importance for our country in the period of Russian chairmanship in the Organization of the BSEC in the first half of the 2016.

The special role pertains to you as you deal with the things that are directly relevant to the vital activity of all countries and nations of the Black Sea region that is the prevention of the earthquakes and the carrying out of the scientific researches in seismology.

I wish you success in these affairs and in all endeavors!

The executive secretary
of the interdepartmental commission of the Russian Federation,
concerning the activity of the Organisation of the BSEC,
The Chairman of the Committee of the senior officers of the Organization of the BSEC
S.N. Goncharenko




