Welcoming speech of Salikhov S.V., the Director of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to the participants of the international conference “Seismic safety of the Black Sea region”, Ap

Good afternoon, dear colleges!

On behalf of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation and on my behalf personally I am glad to greet all the participants, guests and organizers of the Fourth International Scientific and Technical Conference of the Countries participating in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation. The conference concerns the research problems of seismicity of the Black Sea region and prediction of earthquakes and is held within the chairmanship of the Russian Federation in the Black Sea Economic cooperation.

The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation regards the development of the research in the area of seismology, seismic protection, seismic monitoring, searching of the geophysical and geochemical earthquake precursors as one of the priorities of the state politics of the Russian Federation and he gives state support to the applied scientific research in this area within the federal target program.

Russian Federation has significant scientific potential; there are scientific schools, ideas and researches in the area of seismology and prediction of seismic events, which are interesting both from the scientific and commercial point of view.

The issues concerning the cooperation of the countries of the Black sea region in the area of seismic protection and monitoring of seismic activity in the Black sea region will take a special place in the conference program. The idea of cooperation in scientific areas is particularly effective when every country is interested in the results of the scientific research. One of such lines of research is a problem of prediction of geophysical catastrophes and especially earthquakes.

I am sure that the theses presented within the conference will promote the development of close scientific international cooperation, information interchange and coordination of the research in the area of seismic protection and seismology.

I wish the International Scientific and Technical Conference of the Association of Seismic Protection of the Countries participating in the Black Sea Economic Cooperation effective work, and also I wish the participants and guests of the conference useful meetings, interesting debates and establishing of business contacts.

the Director of the Department of science and technology
S.V. Salikhov




