Basin systems of Elbrus region as ecological and geomorphological framework of rational environmental management


  • Ivankova T.V. Institute of safety of hydraulic engineering constructions, Novocherkassk, Российская Федерация
  • Kipkeeva P.A. Karachay-Cherkess State University., Karachaevsk, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Российская Федерация




For example, mountainous terrain of Karachay-Cherkessia is considered river basin system of Elbrus. The study area includes six morphostructures of the Northern macroslope of the greater Caucasus with different composition of the lithogenic basis and nature of the relief. Two South Main morphostructures and Advanced ranges on the conditions of formation belong to the active type. Located to the North of morphological structure of a passive type — North Jurassic depression, krestovye the Rocky and Pasture ranges, foothills. The terrain varies from mountainous Alpine-type, medium and low structural-denudation to the Piedmont. On the East-West trending morphostructures in the arched uplift of the earth's crust superimposed n-s konsekwentna river network. Prevalent tree type river network. The basin system has a complex hierarchic structure 1-6 orders of magnitude. Each morphological structure of cross-allocated pools. As the morphological elements of in-basin landscapes were considered, according to the approach of A. G. Isachenko, high-altitude vegetation belts. Conducted the paired analysis of morphostructures and basin systems 4$^\text{th}$ order. Established morphological differences between basins in different morphostructures. Individuality of landscape structures, pools should be considered when developing options for environmental management.


morphostructural, river basin, watershed basin geosystem, landscape structure

Author Infos

Tatyana V. Ivankova

проректор по учебной работе Академии безопасности гидротехнических сооружений


Palistan A. Kipkeeva

канд. геогр. наук, доцент кафедры физической и экономической географии Карачаево-Черкесского государственного университета им. У.Д. Алиева



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How to Cite

Ivankova T.V., Kipkeeva P.A. Basin systems of Elbrus region as ecological and geomorphological framework of rational environmental management. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2016, no. 3, pp. 23-28. (In Russian)