To study of deformable soil medium response to effects of surface and internal sources


  • Kapustin M.S. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Pavlova A.V. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Rubtsov S.E. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Telyatnikov I.S. Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Science, Rostov-on-Don, Российская Федерация




In this paper the problem of steady oscillations of elastic layer under the influence of surface and aggregate internal loads describes base-foundation system. The quantitative characteristics of the stress-strain state of elastic foundation resulting from the surface effects and internal sources are obtained in the work with the help of semi-analytic methods, in particular stresses occurring in the area of contact between the radiating plate and the base surface are calculated. Fore unknown stress in the contact area integral equation of the first kind is obtained, the solution of this equation is constructed by method of fictitious absorption. Expression for calculating the stresses created by recessed inclusions under the stamp is obtained. The numerical results showed that at low frequencies of vibration the presence of inclusions does not significantly affect the nature of the stress, the load distribution on the vertical inclusions also has no significant effect on the nature of the stresses under the stamp and their value. The presented approach allows us to investigate the effects of vibration loads of different foundation types. Obtained characteristics of the stress-strain state of elastic foundation can be useful in the study of soil deformation during load transfer transmission, etc. The results also can be used in studies of the features of dynamic modes of operation of facilities, taking into account the geological structure of their location, to prevent and minimize the possible negative effects of technic and natural disasters caused by different technological and natural vibration sources.


elastic layer, surface load, horizontal rigid inclusions, steady-state oscillations, integral equation, method of fictitious absorption


Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта РФФИ и администрации Краснодарского края р_юг_а 16-41-230184.

Author Infos

Mikhail S. Kapustin

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент кафедры математического моделирования Кубанского государственного университета


Alla V. Pavlova

д-р физ.-мат. наук, доцент, профессор кафедры математического моделирования Кубанского государственного университета


Sergey E. Rubtsov

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент кафедры математического моделирования Кубанского государственного университета


Ilya S. Telyatnikov

канд. физ.-мат. наук, младший научный сотрудник лаборатории прикладной математики и механики Южного научного центра РАН



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How to Cite

Kapustin M.S., Pavlova A.V., Rubtsov S.E., Telyatnikov I.S. To study of deformable soil medium response to effects of surface and internal sources. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2016, no. 3, pp. 36-42. (In Russian)