Lithosphere plates and seismisity of the North-East Russia


  • Stogny G.A. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Stogny V.V. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация




The lithosphere structure of the North-East Russia is determined Eurasian, North American, Okhotomorsk and Amur lithosphere plates. In this paper, the divisibility of the North-East Russia lithosphere is based one’s arguments on facts geology-geophysical data interpretation. It is shown that boundaries between Eurasian and North American plates in borders of the Verkhoyansk-Kolima orogenic region as well as Eurasian and Amur plates is determined the system of the deep tectonic faults. This system was formed in the Mesozoic tectonic stage resulted from interaction of the North Asia craton with terranes and micro-continents at present time considered as a parts of the North American and Amur lithospheric plates. The Olekma-Stanovoy seismic zone in accordance with the created geodynamic model of the interaction Eurasian and Amur lithospheric plates is separated into the two branches Kalaro-Chogar seismogenic fault. The zone of this fault is display as a non-seismicity because it is a zone of the differ-deep small blokes and not be zone of tectonic stress domain accumulated. The most seismic activity is wings of the interaction lithospheric plates on the distance to 200 km from the Kalaro-Chogar fault. Deep boundary between Eurasian and North American plates is corresponded to the East-Verkhoyansk sutura, which was recognized by regional gravity anomaly as a gravity step. The epicenters earthquakes of the Arctic-Asia seismic belt in borders of the Verkhoyansk-Kolima orogenic region is spreading mainly west of Eurasian and North American lithospheric plates on the distance up to 400 km. Take it into consideration the forming of the seismotectonic process of the Verkhoyansk-Kolima orogenic region is connecting with the Verkhoyansk plum influence on the level Earth’s crust - mantle.


seismic belt, lithospheric plate, terrane, earthquake, Eurasian plate, North American plate, Okhotomorsk plate, Amur plate

Author Infos

Galina A. Stogny

д-р геол.-минерал. наук, профессор кафедры региональной и морской геологии Кубанского государственного университета


Valeriy V. Stogny

д-р геол.-минерал. наук, профессор кафедры геофизических методов поисков и разведки Кубанского государственного университета



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How to Cite

Stogny G.A., Stogny V.V. Lithosphere plates and seismisity of the North-East Russia. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2016, no. 3, pp. 78-86. (In Russian)