Influence of nonideality of the crystal structure and diffusion conditions on the formation of a shallow p-n junction


  • Shevchenko A.I. Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Российская Федерация
  • Mazinov A.S. Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Российская Федерация
  • Arutinov N.E. Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Российская Федерация


53.023, 53.043, 53.096, 537.9


In this paper the effect of diffusion constants on the distribution profile of the dopant and the depth of the p-n junction has been considered. The base layer was monocrystalline silicon doped with boron, whose concentration was 6$\cdot$1015cm-3. The dopant was phosphorus. The time for the diffusion process was 60 minutes, the temperature was 865 °C. The diffusion coefficient depends exponentially on the temperature and on the activation energy of the diffusing impurity. Three dependencies has been shown under different conditions of the process and the different state of the initial crystal. The pre-exponential factor is the diffusion coefficient at the activation energy equal to 0 eV. For phosphorus the activation energy was determined at 3.66 eV, in turn the diffusion coefficient at zero activation energy has large ambivalence. It can vary by 90%, and a change of 50% gives a deviation of the depth of the p-n junction by 20-30%. The greatest influence on the depth of the barrier (2 times or more) is caused by changes in the activation energy and diffusion temperature. Another parameter - the initial concentration of the atoms of the alloying substance Cs, is determined by its limiting solubility. The change of Cs deflects the position of the p-n junction by 20%. Besides, the time difference in the process also has a negligible effect on the shape of the impurity distribution profile, namely, its change by 10% leads to the deviation of the depth of the p-n junction in 6%.


diffusion, solubility limit, activation energy, diffusion coefficient, concentration distribution profile, p-n junction depth

Author Infos

Aleksey I. Shevchenko

ассистент кафедры радиофизики и электроники Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского


Alim S. Mazinov

канд. техн. наук, доцент кафедры радиофизики и электроники Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского


Nikita E. Arutinov

студент бакалавриата Физико-технического института Крымского федерального университета им. В.И. Вернадского



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How to Cite

Shevchenko A.I., Mazinov A.S., Arutinov N.E. Influence of nonideality of the crystal structure and diffusion conditions on the formation of a shallow p-n junction. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 1, pp. 74-82. (In Russian)