The application of Condorcet, Bordo, Kopland and Simpson rules to rational organization and control of the ground observation the network of remote sensing of urban air


  • Забидов Z.D. Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Касумов T.B. Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, National Academy of Science of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan




The problem of obtaining of the immediate, reasonable and comprehensive information about air pollution in cities is very important. In methods of evaluation of the ecological situation of cities, a great attention is given to optic sounding methods both at regional and inter-regional levels. By its essence, the urban air is smog. When studying this object, the remote sensing methods, which allow getting large volume information about spatial-temporal changeability of air pollution, are used. It is clear that, optic observations give more detailed information about air basin. The creation of stationary posts of observation of urban air is based on well-defined solution of rational planning and location of these networks. Rational planning of observation posts, in one hand, is characterized by its economical profit, on the other hand, by its high informative character. In order to get representative information on spatial-temporal changeability of air pollution, a number of measurements are executed by mobile devices (pironometer, actinometer, photo-sensor). The process of receiving any information may be explained as uncertainty changes as a result of transmission of signals. In this case the amount of information is determined as differences of entropy at different situations. One of the principal problems of modern society is the choice or determination of one of the alternative decisions. Usually, it is accepted that in comparison with individual decisions, collective decisions are more true. For well-defined solution of the problem of rational planning and location of observation posts, the Condercet, Borda, Kopland and Simpson laws are used as collective decision-making laws. The main point of these methods is to determine preference order between the elements of certain characters. The results of calculations carried out by using the Condercet, Borda, Kopland and Simpson collective decision-making rules, show that by its informative character the time intervals, where measuring data of sun radiation are carried out by means of pironometer tool "Peleng SF-06" in Baku (time interval 10.00-10.30; time interval 10.30-11.00; time interval 11.00-11.30) has the ordered formation.


remote sensing, network, informativity, urban air, time series, entropy, Condorset rule

Author Infos

Zakir Dz. Забидов

старший научный сотрудник Института математики и механики Национальной Академии наук Азербайджана


Telman B. Касумов

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент, ведущий научный сотрудник Института математики и механики Национальной Академии наук Азербайджана



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How to Cite

Забидов Z.D., Касумов T.B. The application of Condorcet, Bordo, Kopland and Simpson rules to rational organization and control of the ground observation the network of remote sensing of urban air. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 1, pp. 83-87.