Seismicity of Greater Caucasus on the position of the Earth's crust block divisibility


  • Stogny G.A. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация
  • Stogny V.V. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация




In the following article analysis of seismic-generating structures of Greater Caucasus' megaanticlinorium based on its block divisibility is carried out. According to the issued problem on results of geological and geophysical materials' complex interpretation there was designed composition scheme of consolidated Earth's crust in geoblock system and its composing blocks of the higher order. Consolidated Greater Caucasus' Earth's crust is divided by sublongitudinal Laba-Batumsky and Derbent-Lenkoransky deep faults on three geoblocks: Eastern-Black Sea, Caspian-Black Sea and Southern-Caspian, that are characterized by the different distribution of earthquakes with $M\ge 5.5$. For Eastern-Black Sea and Southern-Caspian geoblocks earthquake magnitude is commonly less than 5.5, in Caspian-Black Sea geoblock there were registered many earthquakes with $M =5.5$ and more. On result of investigations there was established that maximum earthquake's magnitude of Greater Caucasus is associated with the area of consolidated crust's seismic-generating block. Earthquake magnitude of Anapa and Sochi blocks which area is about 4 thousands sq. km is less than 6.0. Earthquakes with $M >6.0$ of Caspian-Black Sea geoblock are localized in blocks which area is about 100-300 thousands sq. km. Most of the earthquake epicenters are mainly concentrated in Svaneto-Alazansky and Bezhitinsky deep faults' effective areas.


Greater Caucasus, earthquake, magnitude, gravity field, geoblock, tectonic block, deep fault, Earth's crust


Работа выполнена по проекту РФФИ № 16-45-230343.

Author Infos

Galina A. Stogny

д-р геол.-минерал. наук, профессор кафедры региональной и морской геологии Кубанского государственного университета


Valeriy V. Stogny

д-р геол.-минерал. наук, профессор кафедры геофизических методов поисков и разведки Кубанского государственного университета



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How to Cite

Stogny G.A., Stogny V.V. Seismicity of Greater Caucasus on the position of the Earth's crust block divisibility. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 2, pp. 86-95. (In Russian)