Development of numerical algorithm for generating generative systems and for the optimal of them searching


  • Sinelnikova T.I. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Российская Федерация





This article overviews models of the epistemological level of generative systems and their properties. The necessity to apply given systems and the theoretical basis of their formation are stated. A mathematical formalism of systemological methodology is applied for systems problem solving. The author gives a detailed description of the developed numerical algorithm of the generation and search of optimal generative systems. The author's algorithm provides execution of requirements shown to meaningful submasks and corresponding generative systems in systemology. It also fulfills the requirement for optimal generative systems. This article features the results of the algorithm testing on the data system with probability distribution functions. In work the comparative analysis of generative systems with various parameters is carried out, as well as comparison of the results got by means of the author's algorithm with the results given by other authors are presented. On the basis of obtained results was drawn a conclusion that efficiency of the offered algorithm.


systemology, generative systems, numerical methods for systems problem solving

Author Info

Tatyana I. Sinelnikova

ассистент кафедры теоретической физики и компьютерных технологий Кубанского государственного университета



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How to Cite

Sinelnikova T.I. Development of numerical algorithm for generating generative systems and for the optimal of them searching. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2018, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 12-18. DOI: (In Russian)