Salt-resistant forms of Brassica junceae mustard, induced by nitrosourea
Two salt-resistant SR forms of Brassica junceae mustard have been received with the application of nitrosourea. These forms don’t have chlorophyll defects. SR2 and SR3 salt-resistant forms preserve constant parameters of productivity under conditions of NaCl salting compared to the control vegetation conditions as contrast to initial plants of the Donskaya-5 sort.
Results of the comparative ultrastructural analysis show that the salt influences the plastid ultrastructure of SR-2 and SR-3 lines of mustard in lesser degree in comparison with sort plants. On the contrary, the plastids of SR-2, SR-3 salt-resistant lines of mustard are functionally quite active under the conditions of stress factor action.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ р2003юг (03-01-96546).
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Copyright (c) 2004 Федоренко Г.М., Усатов А.В., Щербакова Л.Б., Машкина Е.В.
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