Inverse problem for a point charge field, electric and magnetic dipole moments
The work offers the solution of the inverse electrostatics problem. At some point in the space, the field is known, which is created by a pointed charge and electric and magnetic dipole moments integrated with the former. At this point the tensors of first-order derivatives from the intensity of electric and magnetic fields are known by the coordinates. The coordinates and values of the charge and dipole moments have been determined. The results obtained can be applied to nondestructive diagnostics of charge distribution in dielectric and low-conductivity substances, living organisms.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке гранта Президента РФ (НШ-125-2003.2).
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Copyright (c) 2004 Копытов Г.Ф., Митрофанова Т.Г., Эпп В.Я.

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