Possibilities of asteroid deflection from collisions having regard to the resonant returns
We have detected many possible collisions of hazardous asteroids (Apophis and others) with the Earth. Everhart integrator and DE430 model of Solar System are applied, the high-performance computational cluster of the Saint Petersburg State University used. The main characteristics of trajectories under study including relative positions and sizes of keyholes leading to collisions are practically stable with respect to small changes of motion model. We have detected possible collisions of Apophis with the Moon. We discuss the possibilities of moving asteroid into the region without keyholes using kinetic method. It is possible to deflect asteroid from collisions using timely practicable struck, taken into account fly-by effect under approaches to the Earth.
asteroids, asteroid-comet hazard, trajectories, collisionsFunding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (грант 15-02-04340) и Программы проведения фундаментальных исследований СПбГУ по приоритетным направлениям (проект 6.37.341.2015).
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Copyright (c) 2017 Соколов Л.Л., Васильев А.А., Петров Н.А., Поль В.Г., Эскин Б.Б.
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