Research of the bottom relief within Taman and Deepwater polygons (North-Eastern part of the Black Sea)


  • Yevsyukov Yu.D. Southern Branch of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Geledzhik, Krasnodar Region, Russian Federation




In spring 2002, complex geological and geophysical studies were carried out from the board of the “Aquanaut” research vessel in the north-eastern part of the Black Sea. The works were executed with the use of a new echosounder and satellite navigation system, which ensured high accuracy of coordinates setting in the course of echosounding. The echosounding data obtained made it possible to develop bathymetric maps and survey profiles for the Taman and deepwater polygons. In this paper specific features of the bottom relief structure are discussed in details for the sections of the basin researched. Some assumptions about probable relief forming processes, which form the morpho-structural framework of the shelf, continental slope and abyssal part of the Black Sea have been adduced.

Author Biography

  • Yuriy D. Yevsyukov

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March 24, 2005


March 28, 2005


March 31, 2005

How to Cite

Yevsyukov, Y.D., Research of the bottom relief within Taman and Deepwater polygons (North-Eastern part of the Black Sea). Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2005, № 1, pp. 92–97.