Variability of fluxes and concentrations of climatically active gases in experimental fields of Krasnodar Krai






As part of the program "Carbon polygon in Krasnodar Krai" field studies were carried out at the experimental farm Russian Research Institute of Oilseeds named after V.S. Pustovoit in Oktyabrsky hamlet, Krasnodar Krai, aimed at obtaining data on variability of fluxes and concentrations of climatically active gases in fields of different crops. From the measured data, the temporal changes of the studied parameters were determined. These data were compared with the characteristics of the corresponding crops at different stages of vegetation. The results are presented graphically. The field work methods are described. In the light of the experience gained, recommendations are given for the organization of similar experiments. The results of the experiment revealed that the development of plants and their root system influences the formation of greenhouse gas fluxes near the soil surface. Carbon dioxide fluxes, which were characterized by emission processes, increased with plant development. A peculiarity was found for the initial period after crop planting, when carbon dioxide emission slightly decreased, but subsequently increased again. Methane was predominantly taken up by soil in all fields during the whole measurement period. Peculiarities were revealed for the period closer to the middle of the growing season, when some increase in methane absorption was observed, which was probably related to soil moistening.  The fluxes of gases are significantly influenced by meteorological conditions, in particular precipitation and associated soil moistening. Moist soil stimulates the activity of microorganisms involved in the biological decomposition of organic matter, which contributes to the increase in greenhouse gas fluxes. Despite the positive results of the experiment, a number of its limitationswere revealed. Periodicity of measurements twice a month is clearly insufficient to reveal all features and regularities in variability of climatically active gases, their relationship with meteorological and biological parameters. To eliminate gaps in research, it is necessary to organize continuous measurements of fluxes and concentrations of greenhouse gases and meteorological parameters based on automated observation stations. The program of the experiment should be expanded to include studies of indicators that would characterize changes in photosynthesis in the process of plant growth.


Krasnodar Territory, carbon test site, experimental fields, climate-active gases, gas analyzer, biomass


The work was carried out within the framework of the topic of state assignment No. FMWE-2021-0013 with financial support within the framework of the topic of state assignment FMWE-2023-0001.

Author Infos

Sergey B. Kuklev

канд. геогр. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории гидрофизики и моделирования Южного отделения Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН


Vladimir V. Pushkin

инженер лаборатории гидрофизики и моделирования Южного отделения Института океанологии им. П.П. Ширшова РАН


Anatoly V. Pogorelov

д-р геогр. наук, профессор кафедры Кубанского государственного университета


Evgeny N. Kiselev

канд. геогр. наук, доцент кафедры Кубанского государственного университета


Vasily L. Makhonin

канд. с.-х. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории агрохимии агротехнологического отдела Всероссийского научно-исследовательского института масличных культур им. В.С. Пустовойта



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How to Cite

Kuklev S.B., Pushkin V.V., Pogorelov A.V., Kiselev E.N., Makhonin V.L. Variability of fluxes and concentrations of climatically active gases in experimental fields of Krasnodar Krai. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2024, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 70-83. DOI: (In Russian)