Nonisothermal creeping flow of viscoelastic fluid with free surface


  • Snigerev B.A. Kazan State University, Kazan, Russian Federation




This work researches simulation of viscoelastic fluid creeping flow with free surface, which is realized at entrance and of polymeric fluid to the extrusion channel and it's exit from the channel. The flow of fluid is described by equations of mass conservation, momentum and energy, supplemented with rheological constitutive equation of Giesekus. The ratio of polymeric fluid extrusion effect in dependence of rheological model parameters, temperature factors, nozzle form are received.


viscoelastic fluid, free surface, axisymmetric flow, heat transfer

Author Info

Boris A. Snigerev

канд. техн. наук, старший научный сотрудник Института механики и машиностроения Казанского научного центра РАН



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How to Cite

Snigerev B.A. Nonisothermal creeping flow of viscoelastic fluid with free surface. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2010, no. 1, pp. 61-65. (In Russian)