Fluid dynamic conditions and the phase state of hydrocarbon deposits in the western part of Chokrak sediments of the northern side of the West Kuban trough


  • Grigoriev M.A. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation
  • Shiryaeva I.V. Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation




Fluid dynamic characterization is given Chokrak deposits west of the northern edge of the West Kuban trough, and analyzed the conditions of formation and the sources of energy. The possibilities of practical application of findings in the preparation of project documentation for construction wells and geological and ravedochnyh work in the region.


fluid dynamic conditions, phase state of the deposits, abnormally high reservoir pressures, given the pressure

Author Infos

Mikhail A. Grigoriev

канд. геол.-минерал. наук, доцент кафедры региональной и морской геологии геологического факультета Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: geosarmat@mail.ru

Irina V. Shiryaeva

магистрантка кафедры региональной и морской геологии геологического факультета Кубанского государственного университета

e-mail: crypticbezam@mail.ru


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How to Cite

Grigoriev M.A., Shiryaeva I.V. Fluid dynamic conditions and the phase state of hydrocarbon deposits in the western part of Chokrak sediments of the northern side of the West Kuban trough. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2012, no. 4, pp. 56-62. (In Russian)