Scientific visualization in near-Earth astronomy


  • Aleshin V.P. Research-and-Production Corporation "Precision System and Instruments" (PRC "PSI"), Российская Федерация




Scientific visualization in near-Earth astronomy will solve the following problems: visual presentation of research results; visualization and analysis of large volumes of measurements; interpretation of optical images and photometric signals using the induced virtual environment method; visualization of situations with space debris; visual analysis of the asteroid hazard; visualization of astrophysical problems in near-Earth astronomy; visual education for near-Earth astronomy. As follows from Gödel's incompleteness theorem, the non-computable Turing functions, the R. Penrose theorem No-go, the finite automaton (computer) cannot replace the human cognitive abilities in the analysis of non formal information. The most effective way to analyze data is through interactive visualization using 3D tools. The paper on examples of real astronomical measurements and catalogs shows the possibilities of scientific visualization in near-Earth astronomy. The following program systems of visualization are considered: system of induced virtual environment; program for 3D visualization of satellites on the background of cartographic projections of the Earth; analysis program of large data using visualization; system for estimation of the orientation of emergency satellites using the virtual environment method; virtual planetarium program; interactive virtual education system for near-Earth astronomy.


scientific visualization, induced virtual environment, space debris, asteroid danger


Работа частично поддержана РФФИ (проект 16-07-00637).

Author Info

Vladimir P. Aleshin

канд. техн. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела разработки крупногабаритных телескопных комплексов АО Научно-производственная корпорация "Системы прецизионного приборостроения" (АО НПК "СПП")



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How to Cite

Aleshin V.P. Scientific visualization in near-Earth astronomy. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 4, pp. 20-27. (In Russian)