Conditions for educational anomalous tail of comet


  • Safarov A.G. Tajik National University, Dushanbe, Таджикистан




The time and velocity of ejection of dust particles of anomalous tails from cometary nuclei are determined. It is revealed that some comets cause the formation of an anomalous tail is the collision of their comet nucleus with other bodies of the solar system. An investigation of the formation conditions of the anomalous tail shows that the dust ejection velocity from the comet nucleus C/1851 U1, C/1885 X2, C/1921 E1, C/1925 V1, C/1930 D1, C/1975 V2, 2P/1924, 6P/1950 and 1976, 10P/1930, 7P/1933 and 35P/1939 O1 can be explained by the sublimation of the ice of the nucleus and the removal of dust by molecules. It was found that the comets C/1823 Y1, C/1882 R1, C/1883 D1, C/1888 R1, C/1892 E1, D/1894 F1, C/1932 M1, C/1954 O1, C/1968 H1, C/1969 T1, C/1973 E1, C/1995 O1, C/1999 S4, C/2004 Q2, 7P/1869 G1, 10P/1930, 19P/1918, 26P/1927 F1, 67P/1982, 73P/1930 J1, 96P/1986 J1 and 109P/1862 O1, formation of the anomalous tail and splitting of the comet nucleus was observed in one appearance. Nuclear splitting 70% of these comets occurred as a result of a collision of the comet's nucleus with a meteoroid or fragments of their nuclei.


comet, nuclei, anomalous tail, velocity, ejection of dust particles, collision

Author Info

Abduldzhalol G. Safarov

старший преподаватель кафедры астрономии физического факультета Таджикского национального университета, научный сотрудник отдела физика комет и астероидов Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан



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How to Cite

Safarov A.G. Conditions for educational anomalous tail of comet. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 4, pp. 124-134. (In Russian)