Modernized Zeiss-1000 telescopes in Simeiz and Sanglokh, their past and present


  • Kokhirova G.I. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Kryuchkov S.V. Institute of Astrophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Российская Федерация
  • Nikolenko I.V. Crimea Astrophysical observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nauchniy, Российская Федерация
  • Khamroev U.Kh. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Mullo-Abdolov A.S. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Abdulloev S.Kh. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan




The telescopes Zeiss-1000 were installed in several observatories in the former Soviet Union including Simeiz (Crimea) and Sanglokh (Tajikistan) in 1977-1985. The control systems of telescopes have became out of date. By this reason, the effectiveness of Simeiz telescope was decreased and the Sanglokh telescope was out a working state more than 25 years. Taking into account the significant importance of an operating of the telescopes for the further development of astronomical investigations in Russia and Tajikistan, the reconstruction and modernization of the telescopes have started in 2015. As a result began the modernization of the management system, the transfer to a new element base, as well as the new "First light" of the telescope Zeiss-1000 in Sanglokh was obtained in 2016. The results of base-line observations performed synchronously by telescopes of Simeiz and Sanglokh have shown their well consistency and agreement, and high potential of telescopes for observations of near-Earth objects.


telescope, observatory, control system, modernization, reconstruction, base-line observations

Author Infos

Gulchekhra I. Kokhirova

член-корр. АН РТ, д-р физ.-мат. наук, директор, ведущий научный сотрудник отдела межпланетных тел Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан


Sergey V. Kryuchkov

ведущий инженер группы программного обеспечения и вычислительной техники Института астрономии РАН


Igor V. Nikolenko

младший научный сотрудник Крымской астрофизической обсерватории РАН


Umedzhon Kh. Khamroev

научный сотрудник отдела межпланетных тел Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан


Aziz Sh. Mullo-Abdolov

заместитель директора по общим вопросам Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан


Safarali Kh. Abdulloev

научный сотрудник Отдела межпланетных тел Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан



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  3. Kiselev N.N., Rakhimov V.Yu., Siklitskyi V.I., Chernova G.P. Atmospheric extinction at Sanglokh observatory. Bull. Inst. of Astrophys., Ac. Sci. of Taj.SSR, 1989, no. 78, pp. 65-68. (In Russian)
  4. Galieva Z.A., Gerasimenko S.I., Kiselev N.N., Loginova E.M., Chernova G.P. Positional observations by 1 m RCC telescope. Bull. Inst. of Astrophys., Ac. Sci. of Taj.SSR, 1989, no. 78, pp. 62-64. (In Russian)
  5. Kokhirova G.I., Rakhimi F.K., Kryuchkov S.V., Nikolenko I.V., Mullo-Abdolov A.Sh., Khamroev U.Kh., Abdulloev S.Kh.. New "First light" of the Zeiss-1000 telescope of the International astronomical observatory Sanglokh. Izv. AN RT. Otdelenie fiz.-mat., chim., geol. i techn. nauk, 2016, no. 1(162), pp. 59-69. (In Russian)








How to Cite

Kokhirova G.I., Kryuchkov S.V., Nikolenko I.V., Khamroev U.Kh., Mullo-Abdolov A.S., Abdulloev S.Kh. Modernized Zeiss-1000 telescopes in Simeiz and Sanglokh, their past and present. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 4, pp. 83-89. (In Russian)