Axisymmetric thermoelastic deformation of transversely isotropic rotation bodies


  • Ivanychev D.A. Lipetsk State Technical University, Iternationalnaya st., 5, Lipetsk, 398600,, Российская Федерация





The paper presents a technique for constructing elastic fields for anisotropic plates by means of the energy method of boundary states. Forces are set on the side surface of the plates, leading to the problems of bending and torsion. The developed theory for constructing bases for the spaces of internal and boundary states is based on a general approximate solution of the problem of plate bending. Relations are formed that determine the desired elastic state. The bases of the state spaces that form the basis of the method are formed according to the fundamental system of Weierstrass polynomials. An isomorphism of the spaces of internal and boundary states is proved, which makes it possible to establish a one-to-one correspondence between the elements of these spaces. The isomorphism of spaces makes it possible to reduce the search for an internal state to the study of a boundary state isomorphic to it. Mechanical characteristics are presented in the form of Fourier series.

The solution of the test first main problem of bending with torsion for a rectangular fiberglass plate with the corresponding conclusions, the problem of torsion for a plate of a non-trivial shape, and the problem with mixed boundary conditions for a rectangular plate, where both twisting and bending forces are set on one face, and the opposite face pinched. Explicit and indirect signs of convergence of problem solving and graphical visualization of the results are presented.


anisotropy, anisotropic plates, boundary state method, bending, torsion, equilibrium

Author Info

Dmitry A. Ivanychev

канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент кафедры общей механики Липецкого государственного технического университета



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How to Cite

Ivanychev D.A. Axisymmetric thermoelastic deformation of transversely isotropic rotation bodies. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 17-28. DOI: (In Russian)