Review Policy

  1. The editors adhere to the "one-sided blind" anonymous type of review, that is, the names of the authors are known to the referee, but the author's name is not reported to the author;
  2. The article submitted by the author is sent for review to a highly qualified specialist with a doctoral degree, a scientific specialization closest to the subject of the article and having publications on the topic of the article under review during the last 3 years.
  3. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and refer to information not to be disclosed. Violation of confidentiality is possible only in case of a declaration of unauthenticity or falsification of materials.
  4. The review is provided to the author of the article (or to the relevant Ministry of Education and Science or the Higher Attestation Commission) without signing and indicating the name, position and place of work of the reviewer.
  5. Review times in each individual case are determined by the editorial board, taking into account the creation of conditions for the most expeditious publication of articles. The maximum period for reviewing between the dates of admission (version of the manuscript to the editorial board and making an editorial decision) is 3 months.
  6. For each scientific direction there are members of the editorial board (experts) responsible for reviewing this area. The decision on the appropriateness of publication after reviewing is taken at a meeting of the editorial board on the formation of the next issue. The expert of the editorial board (doctor of science) submits to the members of the editorial board the received review and his opinion on the possibility of publishing an article in the journal.
  7. The procedure for informing the authors about the results of the review:
    • after receiving a positive review, the editorial staff informs the authors about the admission of the article to the publication, indicating the possible terms of publication;
    • after receiving a review containing comments by the reviewer to the article, the editorial team sends the author a copy of the review with a proposal to finalize the article in accordance with the comments of the reviewer or reasonably (partially or completely) refute them;
    • after receiving a negative review, the editorial board sends the author a copy of the review and a reasoned refusal to publish the article in the journal.
  8. Articles, modified or revised by the author, are sent again for review.
  9. The reviews are kept in the publishing house and in the editorial office of the publication for 5 years.