A one-dimensional model of peat filtrational consolidation
624.131; 532.546Abstract
The work discusses various ways of mathematical modeling of the process of filtrational consolidation of water-saturated peat under the action of constant external loading. Water flow in pores thus is supposed to submit to the Darcy's law with a threshold gradient. The engineering scheme of the one-dimensional consolidation process is studies, according to which the ground is supposed to be freely-deformable down to the limiting rate of deformation. Within the framework of the given model, the problem has the analytical solution with a small number of parameters. The results obtained are compared to the problem solution according to the model of viscoelastic medium. Also, the work offers generalization of the mathematical model of viscoelastic medium for the case of the ground strengthened during consolidation.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (05-01-00516).
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