On one approach to experimental determination of bending stiffness of cantilevers
539.3, 539.4Abstract
A cantilever, a scanning spot, is an important part of the atomic-force microscope. Investigations of cantilever motion are usually based on the model of an elastic rod. At present time there is a tendency of the decrease of cantilevers dimensions with the increase of their resonance frequencies. Possibility of investigation of the nanosize cantilever motion by the methods of classical continual mechanics is not obvious. The work offers the method of experimental examination of the possibility of applying the rod theory to study the nanosize cantilever motion, as well as the method of experimental determination of bending stiffness of cantilevers.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (03-01-00721, 05-01-00094).
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