Electroluminescence of aluminum and tantalum when they are anodized in alchocols
The work is devoted to the experimental verification of the assumption about the possibility of the generation of electroluminescence (EL) during the anodizing of metals in various alcohols as independent "water-like" electrolytes containing hydrosogroups. For example of metals from Al and Ta, anodized at a voltage of 1.2 kV for the first time, shows the possibility of their anodizing in ethyl, butyl, isobutyl, isoamyl alcohols, and also dimethylethanolamine and ethylene glycol. EL is registered in each of the listed alcohols. It is established that the magnitudes of its brightness-kinetic parameters depend on the geometrical and structural characteristics of the oxides formed. In alcohols, the hydrocarbon radicals of which contain several hydroxo groups or the reactivity of such a group is influenced by a different chemical element replacing carbon in the hydrocarbon radical, the highest densities of current flowing through the electrolyte are noted. The possibility of studying the EL and the anodizing processes occurring without any additives in the initial electrolyte solutions is shown, which simplifies the interpretation of the results.
anodization, aluminum, tantalum, alcohols, electroluminescenceReferences
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