Diffraction of electroelastic shear plane waves at the edges of the semi-infinite electrodes in a piezoelectric space with an opening


  • Aghayan K.L. Institute of Mechanics, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia




The compound piezoelectric space consisting of two identical half-spaces of 6 mm class, divided by a vacuum gap of finite width is considered. The boundary surfaces of both half-spaces are covered with a thin semi-infinite grounded metal layers (electrodes). The problem of tunnelling through the gap and diffraction on semi-infinite electrodes plane shear wave propagation in the upper half-space is investigated. The analytical solution of the problem is constructed. Asymptotic formulas defining characteristics of electro-elastic field in the lower half-space are obtained.


wave field, diffraction, piezoelectric space, functional equation, residue, asymptotics

Author Biography

  • Karo L. Aghayan

    канд. физ.-мат. наук, ведущий научный сотрудник Института меxаники НАН Республики Армения


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March 10, 2011


March 16, 2011


March 25, 2011

How to Cite

Aghayan, K.L., Diffraction of electroelastic shear plane waves at the edges of the semi-infinite electrodes in a piezoelectric space with an opening. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2011, № 1, pp. 13–18.

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