Robotic asteroid survey of the ISON network, search of asteroids and comets from both hemispheres of the Earth
ISON project that is coordinated KIAM RAS develops the concept of "second wave" asteroid survey - survey with small telescopes that provide full sky coverage during night to detect fast NEAs missed in the dedicated asteroid surveys with large telescopes. It is successfully adjusting apparatuses, software and methodical aspects for this goal - two demonstrating asteroid surveys with 40-cm telescopes are already working. Survey observations received more 1 million astrometry measurements. It were discovered 1750 main belt asteroids, 17 near-Earth asteroids, 8 comets, 20 Trojans of Jupiter, 4 objects from the family of Hilda, 4 objects of family Centaur. Large cooperation of telescope for photometry observations of asteroids is arranged to investigate physical characteristics of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs), especially newly discovered NEAs, to search for binary asteroids and determinate the parameters of binary systems, to investigate the YORP-effect. Few hundreds of observation nights allowed to receive the 400 light curves on 180 NEAs, to discover 9 binary systems. Also it is adjusting the follow up observations of discovered objects.
telescope, survey, near-Earth asteroid, comet, photometry, light curve, astrometry, software, statisticsFunding information
Работа была частично поддержана грантом RUSTAVELI "FR/379/6-300/14".
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2017 Еленин Л.В., Круглый Ю.Н., Молотов И.Е., Инасаридзе Р.Я., Румянцев В.В., Рева И.В., Шильдкнехт Т., Перец Тижерина Э.Г., Перец Леон Ж.Э., Шмальц С.Е., Новичонок А.О., Тунгалаг Н., Кокина Т.Н., Терешина М.А.
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