Mass spectrometry as an effective method for measuring the concentration of donor impurities in bismuth films


  • Matveev D.Yu. Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russian Federation





The possibility of determining the quantity of donor impurity of tellurium in bismuth samples by depth using the method of time-of-flight mass spectrometry and by the scanning electron microscopy method with concentration impurity up to 0,150 at. % Te is studied in present paper. To measure the amount of tellurium in bismuth samples, we were use a "LUMAS-30" time-of-flight mass spectrometer with a pulsed low-pressure glow gas discharge in a combined hollow cathode and a "Zeiss Evo-40" scanning electron microscope. The samples for measurements were cut from the start and middle of the ingots of the Bi99,85Te0,15 alloy with the required impurity concentration. The samples were presented themselves a thin plate in size 10 × 10 mm and 1 mm thickness. The samples were thoroughly washed in distilled water and then etched in a 65{\%} solution of nitric acid. The samples were strengthened as the bottom of the hollow cathode in the gas-discharge cell, where occurred the impulse ionization of the sample atoms in a glow discharge plasma. The relative error in the distribution of impurities in depth did not exceed 6%, while the error in determining the concentration of impurities by a mass spectrometer, according to passport data, does not exceed 5%. The sensitivity limit in determining the concentration of impurities in the device "LUMAS-30", according to the passport data is 10-6 at. %. As a result of research, we set that the time-of-flight mass spectrometry method allows very accurate determination of the tellurium impurity concentration, and also allows us to establish a uniform distribution of tellurium over the volume of a doped bismuth sample. The method of electron microscopy with using a "Zeiss Evo-40" microscope does not allow to assert a uniform distribution of tellurium over the sample volume.


bismuth, tellurium, doping, donor impurity, thin films, time-of-flight mass spectrometry, SEM

Author Biography

  • Daniyl Yu. Matveev

    канд. физ.-мат. наук, доцент кафедры общей физики Астраханского государственного университета


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March 10, 2021


March 11, 2021


March 30, 2021

How to Cite

Matveev, D.Y., Mass spectrometry as an effective method for measuring the concentration of donor impurities in bismuth films. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2021, т. 18, № 1, pp. 46–54. DOI: 10.31429/vestnik-18-1-46-54

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