Rate of formation ion clusters in cometary


  • Shoyoqubov S.S. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
  • Khujanazarov K.F. Institute of Astrophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan




This paper discusses mass spectral analysis of the rate of formation of positive and negative cluster ions on the surface of the laboratory modeled comet nucleus under the influence of corpuscular particles of solar wind. The method of proportionality of emission coefficients is used in calculations. From the experimental data obtained to determine the rate of formation of cluster ions, it follows that on the surface layer of ice cometary nuclei under the action of corpuscular solar fluxes and cosmic rays, ion-molecular clusters of opposite signs of a charge of the kind H+(H2O) and OH-(H2O). The rate of formation of negative clusters has a quantitative advantage over positive ones.


comets, ion clusters, ion-molecular clusters, proportionality of emission coefficients, spray ice, mass spectral method, solar wind

Author Infos

Shoayub Sh. Shoyoqubov

канд. физ-мат. наук, старший научный сотрудника отдела физики комет и астероидов Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан

e-mail: shoayub@shohrukh.com

Khabibdzhon F. Khujanazarov

старший лаборанта отдела межпланетных тел Института астрофизики Академии наук Республики Таджикистан

e-mail: habibjon_2012@mail.ru


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How to Cite

Shoyoqubov S.S., Khujanazarov K.F. Rate of formation ion clusters in cometary. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2017, no. 4, pp. 134-137. (In Russian)