Peculiarities of the sensitized phosphorescence of acenaphthene in crystalline benzophenone


  • Erina M.V. North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Российская Федерация
  • Deryabin M.I. North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol, Российская Федерация





The features of sensitized phosphorescence of acenaphthene in crystalline benzophenone were studied. A feature of this system is that benzophenone is both a matrix and an energy donor. It has been established that acenaphthene is introduced into the crystal lattice of the alpha modification of benzophenone according to the principle of substitution. In this case, the distance between the acenaphthene molecule and the nearest benzophenone molecule in the crystal lattice site is 8.12 Å, which, within the measurement error, coincides with the lattice constant c=7.99 Å of the benzophenone alpha modification. This benzophenone molecule makes the main contribution to the enhancement of the deactivation rate of acenaphthene triplet excitations. A consequence of this enhancement is a more rapid decay of the sensitized phosphorescence of acenaphthene compared to ordinary phosphorescence upon its direct excitation in toluene at 77 K. It is shown that the observed increase in the rate of deactivation of triplet excitations of acenaphthene satisfies well the analytical expression obtained earlier for donor-acceptor pairs in glassy solutions.


sensitized phosphorescence, triplet excitations, acenaphthene, polycrystalline benzophenone


The study did not have sponsorship.

Author Infos

Marina Vasilievna Erina physics, Associate Professor of the Department of Experimental Physics

Mikhail Ivanovich Deryabin

Dr. of Science, Professor, Leading Researcher, Department of Experimental Physics


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How to Cite

Erina M.V., Deryabin M.I. Peculiarities of the sensitized phosphorescence of acenaphthene in crystalline benzophenone. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2022, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 47-52. DOI: (In Russian)