A sorption-x-ray fluorescence determination of uranium (VI) in waters
A methodical approach is offered aimed to determine low detection limits of uranium in water. The approach is realized by the uranium concentration on cellulose filters containing conformationally flexible aminocarboxylic groups (DETATA-filters) in a dynamic mode by X-ray fluorescence spectrometry determination. The uranium detection limit for preconcentration from 400 ml of the sample in the terms of signal measuring in the first reflection order was 0.005 mg/l and in the second one — 0.0075 mg/l. The relative standard deviation of the determination results was no higher than 0.1-0.15 for the uranium concentration, which was higher than 0.02 mg/l.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (06-03-96655-р_юг, 06-03-32178).
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Copyright (c) 2006 Лаштабега О.О., Темердашев З.А., Сорокина Н.М., Цизин Г.И.

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