NMR and EPR study of deuterium pepleted water effect on the laborotary animals’ prooksidant-antioksidant system
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed a decrease of the deuterium quantity in blood plasma, erythrocytes and homogenate in the laboratory mice’ hearts infected with Staphylococcus aureus, using deuterium depleted water for month period. No changes of isotope structure was revealed in the mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus and supplied with usual water. It is defined through EPR spectroscopy method that the quantity of the paramagnetic centers in heart and liver tissues of the mice receiving deuterium depleted water after lyophilization has decreased 4 times in comparison with the control group that showed reduction of free radicals quantity and favorable influence of deuterium depleted water on animals’ bodies.
deuterium depleted water, NMR spectroscopy, EPR spectroscopy, free radicals, oxidative stressFunding information
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Copyright (c) 2011 Барышев М.Г., Басов А.А., Болотин С.Н., Джимак С.С., Кашаев Д.В., Федосов С.Р., Фролов В.Ю., Малышко В.В., Власов Р.В.
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