Acid-base and complexion properties guanilhydrazone thiophene-2-carbaldehyde and some kinetic characteristics sorption material based cellulose for the concentration of mercury (II)
By means of methods of direct potentiometry and spectroscopy acid-base and chelation behavior of the synthesized guanilhydrazone thiophene-2-carbaldehyde with respect to mercury is studied. Conditional stability constant and acidity constant obtained an analytical reagent are calculated. The possibilities of applying to the cellulose matrix synthesized reagent with the help of a water repelling agent and production of sorption material for the concentration of mercury (II).
guanilhydrazone, chelation, mercuryReferences
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Copyright (c) 2012 Темердашев З.А., Коншина Д.Н., Коншин В.В., Салов Д.И., Логачева Е.Ю.

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