Temperature dependence of spectral-kinetic properties of crystals Er3+, Yb3+:LiNbO3
The subject of this study was to explore the temperature dependence of spectral-kinetic properties of gradient-activated crystals Er3+, Yb3+:LiNbO3 and Er3+:LiNbO3 with optical concentration profiles of the impurities. The algorithm of the registration mode: 1) set the initial wavelength registration (λ1); 2) inclusion of heating of a sample while running the check in automatic mode kinetic luminescence on the first channel of the oscilloscope. Check the array temperature data is up to 150 °C; 3) displacement monochromator for λ2 and repeat step 2) algorithm. This approach required repeated heating and cooling of the sample, but allowed to save the time of the experiment. You can reduce the number of heating cycles of the investigated sample by omitting stabilization of the parameters (wavelength or temperature), because the assumed lifetime of the luminescence is much less than the time of warm-up or rewinding of a monochromator. With this approach the registration scheme includes three signal channels in the oscilloscope: the intensity, temperature and the channel through which wavelength of the monochromator is transmitted. In this case, the number of cycles of heating/cooling the sample in the experiments was within the order of a dozen. It was found that the luminescence intensity increased by 15-20% in the gradient-activated crystals Er3+, Yb3+:LiNbO3 in the temperature range from 25 °C to 150 °C and decreased in the intensity of 1,5 μm luminescence 30% in the gradient-activated crystals Er3+:LiNbO3 in the same temperature range.
erbium, ytterbium, gradient crystal, lithium niobateFunding information
Работа поддержана проектами РФФИ (16-42-230214 р_а) и 2014/75 НИР № 1291.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Бабенко И.Д., Галуцкий В.В., Ивашко С.С., Строганова Е.В.
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