Analytical method in the linear three-dimentional aerodynamics of a thin wing with winglets






The paper presents an analytical method in the classical problem of flow around a thin rectangular plate with and without winglets. There is described the method for calculating inductive reactance of the thin plate. The method for calculating the suction force, to calculate the inductive reactance of the plate with winglets is considered. There is also described a discretization of equations, to calculate inductive reactance. Then we demonstrate a comparison of the aerodynamic quality for plates with and without winglets. After that, we give some conclusions about the influence of winglets on the aerodynamic quality of the thin plate with winglets, taking into account the suction force.


aerodynamics, thin rectangular plate, winglets, lifting force, aerodynamic quality


The study did not have any sponsorship.

Author Infos

Ilya Samsonov

postgraduate student of Department of Theoretical and Computational Hydroaerodynamics, Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, Southern Federal University


Mezhlum Sumbatyan

Ph.D (Physical and Mathematical), Professor of a Department of Theoretical and Computational Hydroaerodynamics, Vorovich Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Science, Southern Federal University



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How to Cite

Samsonov I., Sumbatyan M. Analytical method in the linear three-dimentional aerodynamics of a thin wing with winglets. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2024, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 41-46. DOI: (In Russian)