Interaction of a stamp and two-layer base in the presence of friction forces in the contact area
Two flat problems of the elasticity theory about interaction of stamp with the base, which consists of two elastic layers with various mechanical properties, are investigated. Layers are jointed rigidly among themselves and with no deformable base, the stamp has the form of a parabola (contact area is variable) or form of a rectangle (contact area is fixed). Normal and tangential forces act on the stamp, normal and tangential stresses of contact area are connected by Coulomb law. System of stamp - layer are in conditions of a limiting equilibrium, the stamp does not turn during a deformation of the base. The integral equations are constructed, for which solution the method large $\lambda$ is used. The influence of geometric and mechanical parameters of the problems to a position of contact area, form of the deformed surface of the base outside of area contact, diagram of contact stresses and their moment is investigated.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (05-01-00002, 05-01-00306).
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