Thermoelastic contact problem for a cylindrical sliding bearing of dry friction with a thin two-layered brass
539.3: 621.822Abstract
The approximate solution of the thermoelastic contact problem for a cylindrical sliding bearing with a deformable two-layer bush is obtained. It is assumed that the bearing is heated up as a result of heat generation in the contact region due to the forces of Coulomb friction, though forces of friction themselves are not taken into account when determining contact pressure. The action of thermal isolation on the strained-deformed state of the two-layer bearing brass was investigated.
cylindrical bearing, dry friction, bilayer sleeve, contact pressure, heat transfer, antifriction layerFunding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (05-01-00306, 06-08-01257, 08-08-00873).
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