Simulation of ultimate strength characteristics of polymer compositions modified with lubricant microcapsules and magnetite nanoparticles
The problem of constructing a model and carrying out numerical calculations
of the values of ultimate strength indicators under uniaxial compression of polymer compositions modified with spherical microcapsules with a lubricant and magnetite nanoparticles is being solved. The model is based on the generalized singular approximation of the random fields theory in the version of the self-consistency method and makes it possible to take into account the composition, volume fractions of the components of antifriction coatings, and the characteristic size of microcapsules (the ratio of the shell thickness to the radius of the liquid core). For compositions based on epoxy binder ED-20 (PEPA hardener) with microcapsules (polyester shells filled with vegetable oil and magnetite nanoparticles), model calculations of their ultimate strength parameters under uniaxial compression were carried out. The calculations took into account the change in the characteristic size and the uneven distribution of microcapsules over the thickness of antifriction coatings, which occurs as a result of exposure to a constant magnetic field. Numerical modeling has shown that an increase in the volume fraction of microcapsules leads to a decrease in the values of ultimate strength parameters of polymer compositions, while for the percentages of microcapsules used in practice, this decrease is not significant.
simulation, microcapsule, epoxy binder, magnetite, stress concentration operator, compressive strengthFunding information
This work was supported by a grant from the Russian Science Foundation (project No. 21-19-00288).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Колесников В.И., Бардушкин В.В., Лавров И.В., Сычев А.П., Яковлев В.Б., Ананко А.М.

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