Vibrations of a layered inhomogeneous medium under the action of oscillating load moving on its surface
Vibrations of a layered inhomogeneous medium caused by the oscillating load moving on its surface are investigated. The problem is considered in the mobile coordinate system coupled with the load moving with constant velocity. The displacement of an arbitrary point on the structurally inhomogeneous medium under the action of the moving oscillating load has been represented in terms of integrals. The Green’s function properties for the medium and one of the surface wave field structures (vertical displacements of the medium surface) have been analyzed numerically depending on the velocities of the oscillation source motion, medium properties and medium structure.
Funding information
Работа выполнена при поддержке РФФИ (03-01-00694), РФФИ р2003юг (03-01-96527, 03-01-96537, 03-01-96662, 03-01-96694), гранта Президента РФ (НШ-2107-2003.1).
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Copyright (c) 2004 Шмид Г., Калинчук В.В., Белянкова Т.И., Тосецки А.

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