To the theory of the liquid microdiode
532.517.013.4 : 537.2Abstract
A method of electric current rectification in liquid micro-nanodiods is considered. Unlike semiconductor diods, the liquid one is easy to integrate into chip-on-lab devices. The microdiod consists of two tubes of nano- or micro-sizes with different diameters, filled with two liquids with different dielectric permeabilities and diffusion coefficients. The ends of the tubes are electrodes for periodically changing drop of potential, and ions of some substance are charge carriers in the tubes. The process is described by one-dimensional nonsteady Nernst-Planck-Poisson system which obeys the correspondent boundary conditions. A simple analytical solution is obtained under the assumption of small double ion layers and slowness of the process. This simple solution clarifies the physics of liquid rectification.
micro-nano diodes, electrolyte, Nernst-Planck-Poisson system, electroneutral diffusion layer, double ion layerFunding information
Работа выполнена при частичной финансовой поддержке РФФИ (12-08-00924-а, 11-08-00480-а).
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Copyright (c) 2013 Демёхин Е.А., Барышев М.Г., Горбачёва Е.В., Франц Е.А.

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