Angle of attack influence on helicopter's BVI-noise generation


  • Lukianov P.V. Institute of Hydromechanics, Kiev, Ukraine


533.63, 534.23


This article described a problem of noise generation by helicopter’s rotor blade-vortexes interaction (BVI) for the different angles of attack with respect to incoming flux and for the different angles of the blade position at the plane of blade rotation. In accordance with the modern procedure of such kind problems solving the general problem has been shared on aero-dynamical and aero-acoustical parts. Aero-acoustical part of the problem involves Euler’s equation of liquid motion and continuity equation. This flow calculations have been carried out for Mach numbers $M=0.2$, 0.4. Then the calculated numerical data have been used for the solving of the aero-acoustical system of equations. An analysis of the far acoustical field showed the next interesting particularity: for the small angles of attack the generated BVI-noise is mainly rotational one, it’s rather high level confirms this conclusion. On reaching to the angle of attack to limiting angle, the generated noise becomes a mixed type noise: it includes both rotational and vortex noises. Consequently, the calculated data of the low-frequencies noise levels agree with known experimental and calculated data.


noise generation, blade's angle of attack

Author Biography

  • Petr V. Lukianov

    канд. физ.-мат. наук, старший научный сотрудник отдела гидродинамической акустики Института гидромеханики НАН Украины


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July 1, 2014


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September 29, 2014

How to Cite

Lukianov, P.V., Angle of attack influence on helicopter’s BVI-noise generation. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2014, № 3, pp. 45–58.

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