Contribution of autoadsorption to the interfacial energy of a bimetallic nanoparticle at the interface with the melt
An expression is obtained that makes it possible to calculate the contribution of the adsorption of intrinsic atoms of the components of a bimetallic nanoparticle for the interface with a layer of its own melt. For calculations, only two characteristics of the components are used - the gram-atom volume and the heat of fusion. It was believed that the properties of the alloy were subject to Vegard's rule. The dependence of the heat of fusion on the particle size was not taken into account. The size and concentration dependences of the autoadsorption energy are analyzed using the palladium-platinum system as an example. It is shown that the contribution of autoadsorption is of the same order of magnitude as the values of the interfacial energy and, therefore, taking it into account will improve the agreement between the calculated and experimental data on the interfacial energy and the wetting angle of the crystal-melt system.
autoadsorption, bimetallic nanoparticles, interfacial energy, meltReferences
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