Cryptosystems mathematical models design based on NP-complete problems containing Diophantine difficulties
A new area of NP-complete problems from Diophantine analysis is involved in the manuscript: multistep systems of Tarry-Escott type Diophantine equations. Mathematical models of cryptosystems based on known NP-complete problems using a universal Diophantine language are presented. The described models demonstrate the potential of using Diophantine equations for the development of SPI with a high degree of reliability. A mathematical model of an alphabetic information security system has been developed that generalizes the principle of constructing cryptosystems with a public key - the so-called dissymmetric trigram cryptosystem. In it, forward and reverse transformations are implemented according to a given algorithm based on a multiparametric solution of a multi-stage system of Diophantine equations.
NP-complete problem, multi-degree system of Diophantine equations, key generation, symmetric (dissymmetric) cryptosystem, parametric solution, Diophantine difficultiesReferences
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