On one energy condition for the development of an isolated defect in the spatial case







In the work, an energy condition for the development of an isolated defect is obtained in the spatial case when destructive loads act both on the outer surface of the body and on the surface of the defect. Unlike the classical Griffiths fracture condition, the proposed condition clearly depends on the linear coefficient of thermal expansion and the temperature of the material. The model problem of the development of an isolated spherical defect is considered in the case when uniform pressures act on the boundary of the defect and on the remote boundary of the body.


brittle fracture, isolated defect, energy condition, internal energy

Funding information

The work was carried out with the support of the "Fund-M" grant (contract No. 2470GSSS15-L/90177).

Author info

  • Vladislav I. Dunaev

    д-р физ-мат. наук, профессор кафедры оборудования нефтяных и газовых промыслов Кубанского государственного технологического университета

  • Ivan A. Tereshchenko

    старший преподаватель кафедры оборудования нефтяных и газовых промыслов Кубанского государственного технологического университета

  • Marina G. Prikhodko

    старший преподаватель кафедры оборудования нефтяных и газовых промыслов Кубанского государственного технологического университета

  • Sergei Yu. Moldovanov

    научный сотрудник компании Роснефть-НТЦ


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December 1, 2023


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March 27, 2024

How to Cite

Dunaev, V.I., Tereshchenko, I.A., Prikhodko, M.G., Moldovanov, S.Y., On one energy condition for the development of an isolated defect in the spatial case. Ecological Bulletin of Research Centers of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, 2024, т. 21, № 1, pp. 21–25. DOI: 10.31429/vestnik-21-1-21-25

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